Westchester Community College
Yonkers Campus: Cross-County Center
Professor Melinda Roberts
Mondays and Wednesdays
3:15-6:05 PM

Saturday, March 27, 2010

True Love

Due Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Please post comment by 10:00 PM EDT

Anais Nin said: “Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.”

Do you think it is possible to have a romantic love that endures to the end of time?

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  1. I believe it is possible to have a romantic love that endures to the end of time. As long as you have faith and patience, you can endure anything.To replenish love, you must be willing to try and commit to different things.

  2. N, I don't not think it is possible to have a romantic love that endures to the end of time. The way I see it is that people will try to make love last; but in the end, all they will do is ruin it quicker. By trying to make it last throughout time; they will show all the reasons they should love them and leave no mystery for later. Love grows when there's another reason to stay. Why read the book if you know the ending? What reason is there to stay for if you've seen everything?

  3. Of course it can or until death do us apart. Not many of us have that luck but i actually know couples (who are related to me) have been together for more then 40 years, and the ROMANITC LOVE is still going strong. Recently my uncle has passed away and my aunt was unable to live without him, sadly she had pass too and it wasnt because of medical reasons.

    I feel it is possible. anything is possible.
    Migdalia M.

  4. I think it's definately possible, as long as two people are allways happy with one and another it will last until they die, not the end of time, unless your looking at it that when you die, it's the end of time.

    Kevin K

  5. When I was younger, even up into my 40's, I believed in romantic love and expected it would last until the end of time. Since then, I've graduated with honors from the School of Hard Knocks and now I'm pretty skeptical about the possibility of anything enduring to the end of time, least of all love.

  6. I would love to think that love stands the test of time. However, I feel it's impossible nowadays. We are in a world where no one is ever satisfied. Everyone's is always giving in to temptations. It's like the "The grass is always greener on the otherside". No one wants to be committed and compromising anymore. Morals and values have gone out the window. I think it's pretty sad actually. I'm a complete "Hopeless Romantic" and believe love should over power all. This era doesn't leave me with much hope of finding that passionate, everlasting love...

  7. Well i have a hard time believeing that love can endure until the end of time. I think that if you have two willing people who are faithful and not blinded by the reality, I think that it can last a very long time. Love is something so hard to find. Sometimes i question, "Can someone really love someone for the rest of their life and be happy?"

  8. Once when I was much younger and naive I believed love was endless but times have changed and it is so hard these days to keep your relationship together in these economic times when people are so depressed due to insufficient funds which can place a huge strain on any relationship.

  9. Laureano N.

    Love is hard to find and even more difficult to maintain. Today people are more interested in material things and physical appearance than actually loving a person unconditionally. Of course, there are exceptions to the rules and some people stay in love for a long period of time. But i think eventually you just get used to the person your with and it becomes more of a companionship instead of a romantic love.

  10. Andrea H.

    Love can last between two individuals as long as both people involved go foward in the relationship giving up their true selves. Not only giving up a % of themselves, which is based on who they believe their partner wants them to be. After a while it becomes exhausting and the end results are a failed relationship. No matter what nature of relationship it is, people must accept others and grow to love others for who they really and truly are. God is love. Therefore, love never dies. If the true source of that love was never acknowledged in the first place, then there is no way it can ever be replenished.

  11. Genesis P.

    To some sense I do believe that you can endure love for someone forever. Just because you aren't with someone doesn't mean that you dont love them. i believe i will endure a love for someone who was in my life for 5 years. I'm not with that person anymore but i do love them. very much actually eventually i know that love will fade but i do have something there for them.

  12. I don’t think it is possible to have a romantic love that endures to the end of time. A romantic love is only one type of love; it can be changed into another type of love.
    After marriage, people can have any romantic feelings for their wife or husband. However, it does not mean they don’t love each other. It can be thought that they think of each other as good friend or lifetime companion.

  13. Emmanuel Louis-CharlesMarch 30, 2010 at 7:37 PM

    I think it's still possible to have romantic love that endures to the end of time, since each partner has committed to making a concession to each other. They have to consider love like a baby to care for and about, in order to allow him to grow and to reach maturity. Different kind of problems should not lead to separation because they are a part of couple's commitment to live together for the best and for the worst. How many times have we bitten our tongues? Even so, our teeth and tongues continue to coexist because they share a common function which is digestion. So, I think if a couple pursues a common goal, it can overcome all the difficulties and make their relationship as durable as a lifetime.

  14. I completely believe in a long lasting love with someone who has the privilege to receive it, especially a romantic long lasting love. If you find someone who you are most comfortable with, why not be in that type of relationship? To my opinion, I feel that having that type of relationship with someone has the most stability and happiness someone can endure in both their lifetime.

  15. I don’t think it is possible to have a romantic love that endures to the end of time. A romantic love is only one type of love; it can be changed into another type of love.
    After marriage, people can have any romantic feelings for their wife or husband. However, it does not mean they don’t love each other. It can be thought that they think of each other as good friend or lifetime companion.
    Dong Hyun Kim

  16. I think that it is very rare but definately possible for love to last until the end of time. Very few people understand the commitment and dedication that is needed to make that love last. People are selfish by nature. They do things that are for their benefit and pleasure. The people that realize this are the ones who have that everlasting love.

  17. I think it's possible to have a love that endures til the end of time. My parents are married 40 years. Of course, they've had their trials and tribulations, but they are still going strong after all this time. They still flirt and hold hands which gives me hope that I may have the same luck in my own marriage. I think romantic love that lasts forever takes alot of hard work,trust and commitment. The person you're with has to be truly your best friend. Afterall, in a lifetime many conversations must be had, they better be interesting! I work in a bar and see many married people cheating on their spouses. It doesn't discourage me though. Monogamy is a choice. I think if you truly respect your other half, love will conquer all.

    Grainne F.

  18. yes I think its possible to have romantic love that endures to the end of time. Love is like faith once your her and all your belief is in it there is nothing that can get in the way of it.

    Aaron B

  19. I do think it's possible to have a romantic love that endures to the end of time but the chances of finding it these days is highly unlikely. People are so quick to get Mr. or Ms. "right now" rather then "the one". So with that i hope the next ten years of my life i spend it with all the Mr. right now's and wrongs so that in the end i get the special one that will last the rest of my life.

  20. I feel love is a very tricky thing. Its so hard to know if your truly in love during the time that your actually in love and once its no longer there, that's when you realize the value of what you had. I don't know if there is a true love out there or even if it exists. I think there's to much emphasis on love. I think that if you finally meet someone that makes you happy, that likes to share time with you, that is committed to you and that want's to help you achieve the goals you want in life and you feel the same about them then you should be so caught up in titles like love but simply enjoy the time you have with each other because that is truly a rare thing.

  21. I don't think true love exists. I think that if you find someone that interests you, that likes to spend time with you, that wants to see you succeed and do everything in their power to ensure that, that puts your happiness above all, i think that's the person you should concentrate on instead of titles like love or marriage or wife or husband. I think we're so concerned about how others view us instead of simply enjoying what little time we have on this earth with someone that would make us truly happy.

  22. NicholeD said...

    Growing up within a family of only one divorce, i do believe love can last until the end of time. I am also aware that within the definition of love are the work, hard-work, compromise, and patience and dedication. It is not a work of bliss 24hrs 7 days a week.
