Westchester Community College
Yonkers Campus: Cross-County Center
Professor Melinda Roberts
Mondays and Wednesdays
3:15-6:05 PM

Monday, April 26, 2010


Due Tuesday, April 27, 2010
@ 10:00 PM EDT

Comment on the idea of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth," and the concept of taking the law into your own hands.

Be sure to put your first name and the initial of your last name on the post, or it will be rejected and we won't be able to enjoy your comment!
Guidelines for “Post a Comment” activities are here: http://english102wcc01.blogspot.com/2010/03/post-comment-assignment-guidelines.html


  1. Well, to be honest, it depends on the situation. Because if their was a hostage situation where its too risky to have the law enforcement involved, one just have to go do it themselves. hopefully i nor anybody would have to experience such a thing.

    Migdalia M.

  2. Andrea H.

    I've actually experienced first hand the results of allowing nature to take its course as opposed to taking matters into my own hands. To each his own, but personally I'd rather put my energy and time into doing what's right. Sometimes the more you forgive a person the more they suffer. Nothing goes unnoticed and you cannot reap good if you sow wrong. What goes up most definitely will come down.

  3. I am on the most part against vigilantism. However, when the system fails people, I can see why people would want to exact revenge. It's hard to know what any of us are truly capable of in certain instances. I think it's difficult to pass judgement until you walk in someone elses shoes. On the other hand, I am extremely opposed to Capital Punishment which practices the whole" eye for an eye" concept. Two wrongs don't make a right. I think it really depends on the situation.

  4. I don't exactly agree with it, but it depends on the situation. Sometimes you don't think about what you are doing, and you just snap. When harmed, we automatically want to cause harm. But if the situation is controllable, I will not retaliate.

  5. I believe in the eye for an eye theory. Everyone should be held responsible for their actions. Retaliation can be justified, but should be left to the judicial system. Conversely it goes against what Jesus says in the bible about turning the other cheek.

  6. Although i think its a bit barbaric, i feel that there are some situations that require you to implement this method. I believe, its a case by case scenario. You must use your own experience and judgment to make that decision and in the end, i hope your right because you may one day find yourself on the other end of that choice. So good luck.

  7. I believe in the eye for an eye theory to some extent because the judicial system tends to be so corrupted at times and I can understand why many people will opt to take revenge when the perpetrator walks away free.

  8. Emmanuel Louis-CharlesApril 27, 2010 at 6:17 PM

    "Eye for eye, tooth for tooth" concept means simply the failure of judiciary system. Nobody should not choose this way if they are not constraint to do so, because vengeance invites vengeance again. I remember one day while I was playing soccer I was fouled flagrantly by an adversary. I reacted instantly against the player by ignoring the referee presence. The outcome was that both the player and I got booked, so I became as blamable as my aggressor. The worst was that he didn't feel sorry anymore and would probably continue to accomplish his dirty action. However, I can't blame anyone who applies vengeance when all the necessary steps to get justice are in vain.

  9. I dont normally think taking the law into your own hands is the best idea. However in some situations the law doesnt help and one must defend them self. i dont think two wrongs make a right like an eye for an eye, but its the nature of what and who people are so maybe... i think its 50/50 for me.

  10. I think it's extremely hard to turn the other cheek. This situation is one of those situations where, you wouldn't know what to do until the time is comes. I feel that you can't always turn the cheek because then you would have to live your life with the situation and that you didn't do anything to get the "right" feeling back. You would live your life thinking that when you had the chance to get your revenge, you didn't take it.

  11. Keisha-Ann C

    An eye for eye should only depend on the situation. Given a situation where someone intentionally caused harm my child. i would probably apply the eye for eye concept. Sometimes we cannot sit around and wait for the law to take action. There are too many loop holes in the judicial system that may lengthen the situation and prolong the pain. I feel that its justified if I inflict some misery to my enemy just to appease my pain
