Westchester Community College
Yonkers Campus: Cross-County Center
Professor Melinda Roberts
Mondays and Wednesdays
3:15-6:05 PM

Friday, April 2, 2010


Consider the following questions while writing, proofreading, and before submitting your essay:
1.     Is my essay clearly responsive to the assignment?
2.     Does my essay put forward a clearly defined thesis at the outset?
3.     Does each paragraph have an identifiable topic sentence?
4.     Have I marshaled my paragraphs logically and provided appropriate transitions?
5.     Do I support my assertions with evidence?
6.     Have I used direct quotations appropriately, and have I transcribed them accurately?
7.     Do I document the sources of other people’s ideas and the direct quotations I use? Is the documentation in appropriate form?
8.     Have I written syntactically correct sentences (no run-ons and no fragments except by design)?
9.     Have I eliminated as many passive constructions and forms of the verb to be as possible?
10.  Have I avoided long sequences (say, three or more) of prepositional phrases?
11.  Can I feel good about this essay? Does it embody serious thinking in attractive form (free of typos and other errors)? Can I put my name on the essay with pride?

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